International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023

Reading the ID cards of Holocaust victims allows us to connect with the individual lives lost during this tragic event. By studying these cards, we gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and atrocities suffered by the victims. It is important to remember and learn about the Holocaust to ensure that such horrors are never repeated and that the memories of those who suffered are honored.


  • Think about the emotions/hardships that the individual faced
  1. Each person had to live with the knowledge that their family was dead or in jail just for being jewish. Also, they had to go to christianschoolsl, completely ignoring their Jewish culture
  2. It’s most important that we don’t forget how they died. Gased and shot, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
  • What moments of their life captivated you?
  1. Noticed how many children stepped up and took care not only of their families but others too. Nanny at 10, Maid at 12, and sent to take care of siblings because their parents are dead, I don’t think I could ever
  • How were you impacted by their story?

I feel very sad that this happened and a bit shocked that people could be this terrible to each other. I can also feel a sense of pride 

  • How can their story be used to educate others? 

Are generation of Holocaust survivors is dying off and I think that we should try and educate as many people as possible. We can learn from our mistakes and ensure that a Holocaust never happens again.

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